A couple months ago I wrote a quick blog on President Obama’s initial outline for protecting the nation’s homeland security… well, this past Friday he released his cybersecurity plan to the general public. In all honesty, there aren’t any big surprises and it seems inline with the recommendations put forth by the Center for Strategic and Internal Studies (CSIS) cybersecurity commission released in December.
For the most part, the media and industry pundits find President Obama’s plan to be on-target and favorable.
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Would I volunteer my time? Sure, why not. Is it really a good or realistic idea to have our Military and Government solicit an army of volunteers to test their web sites? Probably not. Jeremiah Grossman, CTO and founder of WhiteHat Security, this past week voiced his opinion on a topic that isn’t entirely new, but hasn’t been brought up by an industry pundit for a while. He estimates “fewer than ten percent of United Stats .
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Last week, Tim shared his views on the new plotline of the popular TV show 24 and expressed his hopes for President Obama’s cybersecurity strategy. Had he checked his email before posting his blog, he would have seen my email that the administration released an outline for protecting the nation’s homeland security. We need to work on our timing!
President Obama’s initial strategy includes a six-step approach on “Protecting Our Information Networks.
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I’m not sure why I continue to keep a close eye on this administration and the Federal Government, but I guess someone needs to step up to do it. Hannity & Colmes, Limbaugh, and Jon Stewart might know the government but they sure don’t know security ;) I also think being so close proximity wise to the nation’s capital I’m constantly inundated with news clips, stories, and critiques that it’s hard not to form some opinion.
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For this avid 24 watcher, this season has been hard to watch. Granted, 24 has always pushed the envelope of “believability,” but this season may just force me to succumb to my wife’s Monday night addiction to John & Kate Plus 8.
For those of you who aren’t following the show, basically the US government has a “mother” firewall that protects all of its networks, including the FAA and every public utility.
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