I will be giving a presentation on XAB (Cross Site Scripting Anonymous Browser) at the University of South Florida’s Whitehatters Computer Security Club’s next meeting on January 29th at 5:00PM. If you are a student at USF interested in learning about computer security, I highly encourage you to get involved with the club. See you there!
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A new release of XAB, the framework that allows one to browse the web via XSS has been updated. This release will now accommodate all content-types, thus allowing any file format to be transferred through the framework. The latest release can be found at sourceforge: [xab.sourceforge.net] (https://sourceforge.net/projects/xab/).
We’re seeking volunteers to help out with development. We’d like to take this from a small research project to a community driven effort to expand the possibilities of what can be done with XSS.
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